Hello, I’m Luc Blaze, the owner of this website (nicknaming24h.com) and also the person responsible for its main content. I’m more of an introvert, so I prefer not to delve into personal matters on this site. Instead, I want it to focus on interests and passions.

Ever since I was a child, I’ve had a penchant for naming everything around me. The first cow at home was named Molly by yours truly. As I grew older, I found myself giving nicknames to classmates as well.

As I matured, I realized that this hobby was often perceived as childish by many, so I refrained from naming everything around me as I used to.

I enjoy reading books and seeking information on Google, but not everyone in my circle receives a nickname suggestion. Thanks to Drewball (Andrew, my coding buddy), he guided me in creating and developing this website.

I know it may be challenging at first, but I believe that with my valuable contributions and passion, people will embrace it. Furthermore, I always enable comments so that everyone can contribute their opinions. Rest assured, I check the website daily to read the contributions.